View Source Smokestack.Dsl (smokestack v0.9.2)

The DSL definition for the Smokestack DSL.

DSL Documentation


  • smokestack
    • factory
      • after_build
      • attribute
      • before_build



  • factory
    • after_build
    • attribute
    • before_build

  • :domain (module that adopts Ash.Domain) - The default Ash Domain to use when evaluating loads


Define factories for a resource

* after_build
* attribute
* before_build
  • :domain (module that adopts Ash.Domain) - The Ash Domain to use when evaluating loads

  • :resource (module that adopts Ash.Resource) - Required. An Ash Resource

  • :variant (atom/0) - The name of a factory variant The default value is :default.

  • :auto_build (one or a list of atom/0) - A list of relationships that should always be built when building this factory The default value is [].

  • :auto_load - An Ash "load statement" to always apply when building this factory The default value is [].


Modify the record after building.

Allows you to provide a function which can modify the built record before returning.

These hooks are only applied when building records and not parameters.

  • :hook (mfa or function of arity 1) - Required. A function which returns an updated record
  • :name (atom/0) - Required. The name of the target attribute

  • :generator - Required. A function which can generate an appropriate value for the attribute.œ


Modify the attributes before building.

Allows you to provide a function which can modify the the attributes before building.

  • :hook (mfa or function of arity 1) - Required. A function which returns an updated record