Gcode.Result (gcode v1.0.1)

A helper which represents a result type.

This is really just a wrapper around Erlang's ok/error tuples.



Initialise or match an error value

Is the result an error?

Convert a successful result another result.

Initialise or match an ok value

Is the result ok?

Attempt to unwrap a result and return the inner value. Raises an exception if the result contains an error.


Link to this type


@type error(error) :: {:error, error}
@type ok(result) :: {:ok, result}
@type t() :: t(any(), any())
@type t(result) :: t(result, any())
Link to this type

t(result, error)

@type t(result, error) :: ok(result) | error(error)


Link to this macro


@spec error(any()) :: Macro.t()

Initialise or match an error value

@spec error?(t()) :: boolean()

Is the result an error?

Link to this function

map(arg, mapper)

@spec map(t(), (any() -> t())) :: t()

Convert a successful result another result.

Link to this macro


@spec ok(any()) :: Macro.t()

Initialise or match an ok value

@spec ok?(t()) :: boolean()

Is the result ok?

@spec unwrap!(t()) :: any() | no_return()

Attempt to unwrap a result and return the inner value. Raises an exception if the result contains an error.